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Multifunction trencher

Il mini skid compatto, versatile e potente

Il primo trencher multifunzione radiocomandato

Wheel trenchers

Trenchers equipped with cutting disks for micro-trenches, mini-trenches and trenches for the laying of underground utilities.

Chain trenchers

Chain trenchers make it possible to dig mini-trenches and trenches on soft or mixed soils, even with debris and stones.

MakBrent ,
#tracking the future


With a maximum depth of 30 cm and a maximum width of 4, MakBrent multifunction trenchers are perfect for micro-trenches and are used for the laying optical fiber and FTTH connections.


MakBrent trenchers can be used to rapidly and thoroughly prepare the soil for the laying of underground utilities such as power lines, telecommunication facilities, sewage lines and water networks. The width of the dig goes from 5 to 20 cm.


In 2014, MakBrent &ndash, Garbin has been the first company in the world to develop a radio-controlled multifunctional trencher, making it possible for operators to reduce their exposure to the risks related to work activities.

Hydraulic equipment for traditional machinery

Accessories for mini-trenches and micro-trencher appliable to wheel loaders, bobcat, mini-excavators and skid steer loaders.

Mechanic attachments for tractors

Attachments for mini-trenches and trenches on soft or mixed soils appliable, through the cardan shaft, to any kind of tractor.


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From 1963, our story is that of a company that has been choosing innovation. This mentality led us, in 2014, to develop the first remote-controlled trenchers for the laying of underground utilities: advanced solutions that place us as undiscussed leaders in Italy and worldwide.

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